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Original Poster Highlight

Discussion in 'Product Features and Suggestions' started by addonslab, Mar 29, 2017.


Features to implement in Original Poster Highlight product

  1. Option: show the ribbon on user avatar only when the mouse is over the post

    0 vote(s)
  2. Option: set which style property controls the color of the ribbon

  3. [IMPLEMENTED] Option: add the "Thread Starter" in Public/Private buttons (links)

    0 vote(s)
  4. [IMPLEMENTED] Option: disable the add-on per style

    0 vote(s)
  5. [IMPLEMENTED] (OP) Tooltip on Mouse Hover (Thread Starter)

    0 vote(s)
  6. [IMPLEMENTED] Add a separate style property that will define the ribbon color

    0 vote(s)
  7. Additional location for mobile - https://goo.gl/AlWRgh

    0 vote(s)
  8. Coronaviruses

  1. addonslab

    addonslab Administrator Staff Member

    Hello everyone,

    This thread is created to discuss the requested features of "Original Poster Highlight" product. You can request new features here and vote for already requested features. The top-voted features will be implemented the first and we will target 1 release per week with one of the features implemented.

    You can choose only one option to vote for, as we want to know which features is the most important for you for now and implement it first. Once the feature is implemented, you can change your vote and vote for any other feature.

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2017
    admin1 likes this.
  2. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    For now, I have vote por adding implement the additional locations and (OP) Tooltip on Mouse Hover (Thread Starter).
    admin1 and addonslab like this.
  3. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    admin1 likes this.
  4. OP

    addonslab Administrator Staff Member

    The update with the first option requested is now ready to be released. Please check back on XenForo.com in some hours.

    Thank you!
    admin1 likes this.
  5. OP

    addonslab Administrator Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2017
    admin1 likes this.
  6. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    +1 for (OP) Tooltip on Mouse Hover (Thread Starter)
    admin1 likes this.
  7. admin

    admin Administrator

    admin1 likes this.
  8. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    +1 for Adding implement the additional locations.
    admin1 likes this.
  9. admin

    admin Administrator

    admin1 likes this.
  10. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    @addonslab What the next option Implemented for this add-on? Add a separate style property that will define the ribbon color and Option: set which style property controls the color of the ribbon?
    admin1 likes this.
  11. OP

    addonslab Administrator Staff Member

    We are planning to implement the feature as "Add a separate style property that will define the ribbon color". As we are busy with some other add-ons right now, we may be able to be back to this add-on in about a week I think.

    Thank you!
    admin1 likes this.
  12. admin

    admin Administrator

    admin1 likes this.
  13. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda New Member

    Vote for Option: set which style property controls the color of the ribbon
    admin1 likes this.
  14. OP

    addonslab Administrator Staff Member

    admin1 likes this.
  15. admin

    admin Administrator

    admin1 likes this.
  16. admin

    admin Administrator

    admin1 likes this.
  17. admin1

    admin1 xd Staff Member

  18. admin1

    admin1 xd Staff Member

    second test
  19. admin1

    admin1 xd Staff Member

    third test xD
  20. user1

    user1 Member

    dgasd gdsfg dfg dgdf

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